
The most popular tuning is Gm7 Tuning:
5th - F (1st fret high E string on guitar)
4th - Bb (6th fret high E string on guitar)
3rd - D (3rd fret B string/10th fret E string)(octaves)
2nd - G (3rd fret high E string on guitar)
1st - D (same as high octave of 3rd string)
5th string being bass strings and 1st string being the treble (nearest the ground)

excellent link here http://users.frii.com/brain/charango/learn.html


Hearing the Charango

Check out this site for MP3s http://www.tschr.com/tscharango.html
In the UK you can often see South American bands playing panpipe music
in shopping centres. There will normally be a Charango player with them.